Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is Good Health is a Stretch for Baby Boomers?

Stretching for baby boomers is a key link in maintaining a healthy body and maybe even a healthy outlook.

Do you find it harder and harder to turn in your driver's seat and check the traffic in the lane next to yours? Have you noticed how other people and perhaps you too, twist from the waist when they need to see something around them? Many people experience stress in their neck and shoulders which results in pain, stiffness, headaches, discomfort and definitely, rigidity. Try this experiment now: stand still with your arms at your sides and feet about shoulder width apart. Now, turn your head in an easy motion as far to the left as you can. Can you see the top of your left shoulder without moving your eyes? Slowly move your head to the other side. Can you see the top of your right shoulder and still keep your eyes pointed in the same direction as your nose? If you can turn your head far enough so that your nose lines up with the top of your shoulder, you are pretty flexible and congratulations.

Active Adult Lifestyles

For the rest of us, we will look at the single most important stretching procedure that we can do to make our lives easier. This is a stretch that we can do anywhere and almost anytime, but it is vital that we begin doing it at least once daily and more often would be best. As with all stretches for baby boomers, gentleness is a key. Do not force your neck to turn further than is comfortable. Never use your hands to force your head to turn further than you can turn it on its own. You should feel a stretch of the muscles down the side of your neck opposite from the direction you are facing.

Stand comfortably with your feet apart, hands at your sides and gently turn your head as far left as you can until you feel the stretch on the right side of your neck. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Move your head to the opposite side until you feel the stretch on the left side of your neck and hold for 20 seconds again. Lastly, bring your head back to center and fold it down toward your chest until you feel the back of your neck stretch for another 20 seconds. Repeat the process. Try and do this 2 - 3 times per day and within 2 weeks you will notice a remarkable difference in your rigidity.

Boomer Lifestyles

Bob_Bannon is the author of the blog and offers suggestions, links and research to encourage the boomer generation to live a life of freedom. He has authored two books and is currently committed to bringing health, at all levels, to his age group, the Baby Boomers. His blog site is full of tips and information about living a full, active and health-full life.

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